Want to cancel your subscription or need a Refund? No problem! Our Refund & Cancellation policies are designed to be hassle-free!
Your service agreement with us lasts for the duration initially specified in your Order Form, known as the Initial Service Term. Upon completion of this term, your agreement will automatically renew for periods equal to the initial duration.
You have the right to cancel your service agreement at any point. However, to terminate your service before the automatic renewal, we require a notice at least thirty (30) days before the end of the current service term.
If you choose to cancel before the end of the term, payment for the remaining period of the current service term is still required.
We offer a 100% refund policy if you choose to cancel the agreement within the trial period specified in your Order Form. To avail of this, you must submit a cancellation request before the end of the trial period.
Please note, any cancellation, whether during the trial period or otherwise, will only be effective from the date we receive your cancellation notice. We encourage you to consider these timelines while making your decision to ensure a seamless experience.
See how LinenTech can be tailored to meet your specific business requirements. Easy subscription based model. Cancel anytime!
Don’t just take our word for it.
President & CEO | Clean & Fresh PGH
CEO | M & F Laundry
CFO | Fabrixs Industrial Laundry
Service Manager | Mastel Linen
"I wanted to send you a quick note about how amazed my team and I have been with your responsiveness, development, and willingness to adopt new ideas. When we were searching for a laundry software platform, we felt like we were settling for a system that didn't provide us with the right tools we needed. However, after taking a webinar tour of your platform, we felt like we had hit the lottery. And that feeling continues because every time we propose a change or have a question, your approachability is undeniably top-notch. If you ever need a recommendation, feel free to hand out my number or email, and I will gladly share my experience with any prospective customer. Keep up the great work that you and your team are doing, and thank you again!"
"It's been 2 years since we switched over to LinenTech, and I am still pleased with their software and service. It's easy enough for my staff to maneuver through the app and very comprehensive when it comes to reports, which is my favorite part. I can run all sorts of reports based on customers, revenue, expenses, pounds per hour, or even cost per pound. Another great feature is the ability to connect to our time card app and create departments to get a report broken up into departments. Most of the time, I work with Jack. He is very knowledgeable and responsive. All my questions get answered, and if he doesn't have the answer on the spot, he will let me know and get back to me within a couple of hours. I would highly recommend LinenTech to anyone in the industry."
“As the CFO of an industrial laundry operation, I can attest to the game-changing features that LinenTech Software has brought to us. It has catapulted our operation right into the 23rd Century. Not only have we been able to cut our paper trail costs by thousands of dollars, but it has also provided us with insights into our own metrics and client data that we never imagined could be possible. Its web-based access has helped us increase our revenue by more than 20%, and its many advanced, well-thought-out features have helped us double our efficiency. Moreover, the tech support is the very best that we have experienced across all suppliers, stakeholders, and partners. We can no longer operate without LinenTech. It's as simple as that. But shh, don't tell our competition!”
“Since we switched over to LinenTech, it has been night and day for our productivity as a company. Tracking and billing are now seamless experiences that work well with all our operational needs. Customizing each tracking and billing experience for every account using LinenTech has immensely benefited our customers' needs and wants. The team at LinenTech is open to customizing every commercial laundry partner's experience. We are very thankful for the time and dedication they share with us in constantly improving our production needs. Examples of features we love include customizing alerts for all different levels of users, notifying staff members of required customer items before the carts are shipped, automatic scheduling for manifest creation and invoice generation, and excellent communication with the development staff to change and customize our experience! Our customers also love that they can now log into their customer portal to access previous delivery manifests and invoices, which helps showcase their vital information live. Overall, I would highly recommend LinenTech for your laundry billing system.”